Ground disturbance (excavation) is becoming increasingly more challenging as the underground becomes more and more congested due to infrastructure being constantly upgraded, modified, and expanded while old facilities lie abandoned in place.
Project planning and engineering includes not only knowing and understanding the hazards you will encounter prior to ground disturbance or excavation activities but also how to eliminate or mitigate these hazards. Without comprehending the challenges associated with the buried utilities below the surface, you can’t begin ground disturbance (excavation) at a work site. Your budget and time estimate for on-sight work is dependent upon the obstacles at a job location.
Our line locating services can inform you of facility hazards, simplify co-ordination and minimize overall costs by helping you through some of the phases of safe digging. Wouldn’t you rather know about all the facilities in conflict with your project during the planning and design phase rather than after you begin ground disturbance activities?
Our underground facility line locators have the training, experience, equipment, and technologies to provide accurate buried facility information for your project planning and engineering needs. They will ensure you understand the limitations of each technology used to locate your work site and what other options or technologies may be available to mitigate these constraints.
Our line locators will verify the utility marks in response to a locate via the notification service (one call centre) and will locate those facilities beyond this service including private, abandoned, and unknown facilities to ensure that all utilities in a work area have been located, marked, and documented.